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Enjoyed playing this one with my 7 and 10 year old. Loved the story and illustrations. Favorite moments were the use of 'zoomed' pictures during an examination (I've never seen that in an Adventuron game and really like it). Loved that we never floundered for too long within a puzzle before advancing in a wonderful story adventure! The ending was quite satisfying too! :)

(1 edit)

Sorry to be so slow replying to this - very glad you all enjoyed it.

Super cute and funny adventure for beginners!

I loved the illustrations and plot twists! ⚡️

(P.s. I needed some help to find the banana)

Hi - glad you liked it! Can you tell me where you got help for the banana - did you find it with the in-game hints (from Zeus) or elsewhere?

I needed to check the Walkthrough. I tried to ask Zeus but, since I hadn’t asked in the right place, he never gave me the hint I needed.✨

Thanks, I'll have a look at making that clearer, maybe tweak the description, it's not meant to be difficult!

I enjoyed this too and also got stuck a bit on the banana. I think also one problem is (ROT13)

V nffbpvngrq onananf jvgu gebcvpny pyvzngrf naq fabj jvgu nepgvp pyvzngrf, fb V qvqa'g rknzvar gur fabj hagvy V gevrq rirelguvat ryfr.

And yes I agree once I saw it, it was clearly meant not to be hard.

I poked at the hints once when I needed the banana and Zeus did say "you have pretty much everything you need"

So I think it's just a matter of pseudocoding

(if player has sword and player does not have banana)Zeus says, "an embellishment for the sword has to be around somewhere. Search everywhere."(endif)